Tweets to #BernieOrBust 🌹

#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
Twitter handle: 
#BernieOrBust 🌹
Missouri, USA
Proudly supporting global revolution to overthrow the 1% & put the 99% in charge. Not the Senator from Vermont; just a supporter. #Bernie2020 #FreeAssange #BDS
Tweets to this user:
#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
From @NoFascistLies
RT @aaronjmate: I somehow forgot to commemorate the recent one-year anniversary of one of the most important journalistic works ever: @jona…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NoFascistLies: @jonathanchait has a megaphone (or at least a mini-micro-megaphone). Is he using that to undercut Trump to his base, like engaging Trump proxies in Socratic debate about the huge flaws in Trump's policies? Or, is he just doing shtick for clicks?
Jenny Adams's avatar
From @IssuesVoter
Wisconsin GOP caught on video bragging about their advantage after voter ID passed.
RitaMatthis's avatar
From @berle49
@IssuesVoter @NoFascistLies Wish I could retweet this 100 times!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@berle49: @NoFascistLies rails against "corporate Democrats", yet #AbolishICE is one of the most pro-corporate things I've ever heard. It'd help U.S. Chamber, WalMart, McDonald's, Tyson Foods, & crooked growers reduce wages to world levels.
#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
From @NoFascistLies
RT @ordinaryluke: If I lived in Kansas I would be at this must go to event!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NoFascistLies @ordinaryluke: by siding with #AbolishICE, @JamesThompsonKS is siding with U.S. Chamber, the #Koch bros, slaughterhouses, etc. etc. None of them have any use for ICE either: loose borders means cheap labor. Stop siding with Big Biz against workers. #resist
#BernieOrBust 🌹's avatar
From @NoFascistLies
RT @HanxFingers: @NoFascistLies @PaulDeCristofo4 @Shauna51200912 @hiya_jazz @avatarsucks @steelbreezes @berle49 @flux_nomad @Alt_LeftAlabam…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NoFascistLies: you want to restore Dem Party to its roots. ~25 years ago, Harry Reid was like Tanc (or a smart, sincere, patriotic Trump) on #immigration. Do you stand with the old Harry Reid or with the current very pro-corporate Dem leadership? #resist